“A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.” -Amelia Earhart
Kindness, in all is form, is an extremely potent force. It can be completely random, but it certainly doesn’t have to be. Kindness can also be incredibly powerful when thoughtfully well-directed at someone close to us.
Either way, many studies support that kindness is a gift we give a) ourselves - because giving makes us feel good too b) another person and c) potentially anyone else who observed or overheard our act of kindness.
Kindness can create pretty impressive ripple effects, and from that perspective, it generates a lot to add to our Gratitude Lists.
Today you’re encouraged to both consider acts of kindness - when you received them, extended them or even something you saw or heard about that touched you.
At the same time, don’t stop there, you’re a little more than halfway through this gratitude journey: so think about where and how in these last few weeks you can add a little extra kindness to your life.
Perhaps, make a commitment to extend one act of kindness before the 30 Days is finished, directed at someone who won’t expect it. You can write a note of appreciation, buy someone’s coffee, check in on an old friend - whatever strikes you.
It’s true: multiplied times many, kindness can change the world!
There are a few great videos that will get you in the mood for your act of kindness - 3-5 minutes each - watch them at your convenience, but don’t miss them. :)
1) 4 Minute Meditation on a random act of kindness
2) 8 Minute General Gratitude Meditation
If you are short on time, this 3 breath practice can be done after you write your list:
With eyes closed or lowered gaze:
Inhale for 5 counts
Hold for 5 counts
On the exhale, call to mind the 1st item on your list.
Repeat with the second and third items
You can also try to add a smile or hand on chest to this practice

Gratitude Message for your Buddy
After writing, scroll down to the GREEN button: ‘SEND TODAY’S MESSAGE.’
DO NOT click on the PINK button at the bottom right or you will lose what you have written.
Optional prompt
Day 16: Random Kindess
Today you’re invited to reflect on acts of kindness, received, given or observed.